Abbots in Transition at Francis Combe Academy – 19 May

Abbots in Transition at Francis Combe Academy - 19 May

This is the fourth different School in Abbots Langley that I have attended an Abbots in Transition Schools event. They were looking at environmental issues.



IMG-20150519-00177A talk about growing potatoes





The success of the potato growing, 36 potatoes out of 10, by using the stems.




IMG-20150519-00183Last photo after we had seen the potatoes





Ted talking about how they built a frame for the raised bed, the planning was good for Maths and English.




Abbots in Transition at Francis Combe Academy - 19 May 2

Abbots Langley School

Abbots in Transition at Francis Combe Academy - 19 May 1

Abbots Langley School


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